What is Intuition and How Does it Work?
Q: What is intuition?
A: Intuition is the ability to understand or receive answers without conscious reasoning. It allows individuals to gain direct knowledge or cognition beyond ordinary perception. Different types of intuition, such as clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairaudience, and clairsentience, enable individuals to access information in unique ways.
Q: What is a Medical Intuitive?
A: A Medical Intuitive is someone who uses intuition as a tool to investigate health concerns and get to the root of issues. This approach involves looking at physical health through an intuitive lens and addressing emotional, mental, and energetic factors that may contribute to health manifestations.
Q: Q: How can intuition be used in health?
A: Intuition can be utilized in various ways to gain insight, such as intuitive readings for overall health and energetic healing to balance a person's energetic system and address specific challenges. Through intuitive insights, underlying causes of health issues can be identified and resolved.
Q: What is the difference between health consult and intuitive session?
A: A health consult focuses more on the science aspect, using health history, symptoms and medical diagnoses to tailor a program to target your individual health needs.
An intuitive consult is an assessment and healing of the body and energetic system using intuition and Divine Source energy. You will find more details under each item's description under services on the website.
What is Intuitive Reading or Healing?
Q: What happens in an Intuitive Reading or Healing session?
A: During an Intuitive Reading or Healing session, the practitioner aligns with Divine Energy and Guidance to gain insight into a client's life, challenges, and potential. The session involves receiving messages or impressions intuitively, sharing them with the client, and providing guidance on energetic blockages affecting well-being. The goal is to restore energy flow, bring understanding, and facilitate healing.
Q: Can intuition help with chronic illnesses and allergies?
A: Yes, intuition can provide relief for chronic illnesses and sensitivities by uncovering hidden factors contributing to health issues. By using intuition to understand the root causes of symptoms, personalized healing approaches can be tailored to address individual needs.
Q: How can I book an Intuitive Reading session with you?
A: To schedule an Intuitive Reading session for your health concerns or other life challenges, please reach out via email, text or phone to discuss availability and booking options or Book Here. I look forward to guiding you on your journey towards holistic wellness and intuitive healing.
What is Holistic Health and How Does it Work?
Q: What is Holistic Health?
A: Holistic = whole, complete, inclusive of body, mind, and spirit
In holistic healthcare we take into account all parts of one's being to become healthy, functional and fulfilled in our lives. That's why holistic health is a path to wholeness.
Q: How does holistic health work?
A: The natural health paradigm is different from the medical health model in that it operates preventatively and restoratively. Modern western medicine predominantly focuses on the disease model and divides a person into different systems and organs, working to “kill” diseases that “attack” us in these areas. It suppresses symptoms using harmful chemicals rather than treating the cause.
Holistic care focuses on terrain model, strengthening and correcting the health of the body which does not allow disease to enter. It targets the root or cause of any health issues and provides cleansing and rejuvenation.
Q: How does the holistic process of healing work?
A: The process is one of investigation and correction, focusing on the root of the problem. The individual’s health issues reveal themselves in layers, much like peeling an onion. We work on each layer that surfaces to reach the core.
Q:What can I do on my own to get healthy?
A: You are the one responsible for your health. You can implement the natural health education from your practitioner, including living a healthy lifestyle that includes good sleep, healthy food, proper hydration, movement/exercise, and stress reduction and following protocols and taking targeted, personalized supplements.
Q: What is Holistic Health?
A: Holistic = whole, complete, inclusive of body, mind, and spirit
In holistic healthcare we take into account all parts of one's being to become healthy, functional and fulfilled in our lives. That's why holistic health is a path to wholeness.